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IngSoft InterWatt in use at illwerke vkw

Meet the requirements of ISO 50001

User report

Achieving ISO 50001 certification with IngSoft InterWatt

For a long time now, energy efficiency has been a top priority at the Austrian energy supplier illwerke vkw AG and an integral part of its daily business. Since 2012, the entire group with the business areas hydropower, supply and service, energy networks and tourism has been certified according to the ISO 50001 energy management systems. The software IngSoft InterWatt, which is used at illwerke vkw under the name "vkw Energiecockpit", is now an integral part of everyday work in many units. IngSoft GmbH is a long-standing and reliable partner of illwerke vkw when it comes to energy and climate.

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Short profile vkw illwerke

illwerke vkw is the leading energy service provider in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg. The company supplies energy to around 200,000 customers in the household, small business, industrial and public sectors in Austria and in Germany, primarily in the Vorarlberg and West Allgäu regions. In doing so, the company consistently follows the principle of sustainability in all business areas. illwerke vkw generates its energy exclusively from renewable sources, primarily electricity from hydropower.

In addition to the hydropower and supply and service business areas, illwerke vkw operates an electricity and gas grid and also holds stakes in other energy companies, for example in the areas of photovoltaics, biomass heating plants and electromobility. The tourism business segment offers families attractive vacation destinations.

The fields of application of the vkw energy cockpit are large

After environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001 had already been introduced at illwerke vkw in 1998, it was obvious to supplement this and to establish comprehensive energy management – also in the sense of setting an example. Aiming for certification according to ISO 50001 was then the logical step. Within a year, the energy management system had matured to the point where certification could be obtained. It now proves once again that IngSoft InterWatt is a suitable tool for sophisticated and standard-compliant energy management systems.

In the meantime, the energy management system using the vkw Energy Cockpit has become established throughout the Group. From snowmaking in the tourism sector, the own consumption of the hydropower plants or the energy efficiency of the heat supply plants, the vkw Energiecockpit monitors all energy-relevant units at illwerke vkw. "For us, IngSoft InterWatt software has not only become the central 'hub' of our own energy management – it is also an important pillar of our energy consulting," says Kevin Defranceschi, project manager for energy and resource management, energy consultant and auditor at illwerke vkw.

Project data at a glance

IngSoft InterWatt customer since:2011
Licensed counting stations70.000
Data sources used:SAP-IS-U, Siemens-Desigo CC, EDM, Lertes data logger, Other process control technology, ZAMG (weather data), Edifact, Beckoff, Hydrometer.

Audit preparation with the IngSoft InterWatt-based vkw Energy Cockpit.

In order to perform an energy audit according to ISO50001, the vkw Energy Cockpit is a great support. The internal audit team, consisting of twelve members from various organisational units of the group, uses the software to prepare for internal audits: In this way, the auditors obtain information in advance about the development of energy consumption of the properties, plants and processes at the push of a button.

The preparation of internal energy audits is thus very efficient. The vkw Energy Cockpit is also an essential support for external energy audits.

However, the vkw Energy Cockpit is not only used for audits, but is also used on a daily basis to monitor energy consumption in plants and buildings. Energy consumption data is checked fully automatically for outliers. In the event of atypical developments, alerts are sent out, which are then checked by in-house and process engineers. This ensures that unnecessary energy consumption, such as defective gutter heaters, valves and sensors, is detected promptly.

Data basis for CO2balancing

CO2e accounting in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol has now become a standard accounting method. However, it represents a major challenge for many companies. A good CO2e balance is characterised above all by a stable and secure data basis.

In addition to energy management, IngSoft InterWatt also offers comprehensive functionalities for recording climate-relevant measurement data. The vkw Energy Cockpit is therefore also used for CO2e balancing. It provides the perfect basis for determining energy-related CO2e emissions. In this way, corporate climate targets are presented in a comprehensible way. Depending on the user's requirements, CO2e balances can be traced back to the meter level and thus provide optimal information about the composition of CO2e emissions.

Variety of energy reports

Creating energy reports specifically for individual requirement groups would be a time-consuming task without IngSoft InterWatt or the vkw Energy Cockpit. The organisational units of illwerke vkw have diverse requirements for energy-related data, such as costs, electrical power or emissions. Here, too, the vkw Energy Cockpit plays an important role. By creating personalised energy reports, user requirements are met in no time at all and reports are evaluated for a wide variety of users.

What illwerke vkw particularly appreciates about IngSoft InterWatt

  • Supports effective and standard-compliant energy management throughout the group
  • Simplifies the preparation of internal and external energy audits
  • As a white label solution, IngSoft InterWatt fits perfectly into the corporate identity of vkw illwerke as vkw energy cockpit
  • Ideal data basis for climate management
  • Significant time savings in the preparation of customisable energy reports

Do you have questions about this use case or about our energy management software?

User reports

IngSoft InterWatt in use at illwerke vkw: Meet requirements of ISO 50001

From energy audit preparation to the creation of the CO2e balance: IngSoft InterWatt is a long-standing and reliable partner for illwerke vkw.

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