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Committee work

We are involved in the committees of the DWA

At the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste - Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V.) we are actively involved in three working groups of the main committee "Drainage Systems":

  • WG ES-5.9: Structural analysis of drainage systems - manholes
  • WG ES-5.7: Structural analysis of drainage systems - profiled walls
  • WG ES-5.11: Structural analysis of drainage systems - Part 11: Road traffic loads and associated fatigue analysis

All three working groups are subordinate to the Technical Committee FA ES-5 Bau. Furthermore, we are appointed by statute to the DWA working group

  • WG ES-8.22: Manhole rehabilitation for the Code of Practice DWA-M 143-6.

Our work influences the regulations

  • DWA-A 161Structural analysis of jacking pipes: yellow print → white print, translations into English, correction sheets
  • DWA-A 143-2 Rehabilitation of drainage systems outside buildings, Part 2: Structural analysis for the rehabilitation of wastewater pipes and sewers using lining and installation methods: yellow print → white print, interpretations
  • DWA-A 127-10 Material characteristics
  • DWA-A 127-1 Basic principles: objections, comments, suggestions for improvement
  • DWA-A 127-11 Road traffic loads

Since we translate standards into computational programs, we deal with the contents in depth.

We are involved in the GSTT

At the GSTT (GERMAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY E.V.), we deal with the "Requirements for pressure pipe liners" in the working group GSTT-AG 20-2:

Together, we engineers are developing a set of rules for the structural design of liners that are installed in drinking water and wastewater pressure pipes during renovation.

We are involved in committees of the DIN

As a company, we support the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) in the following committees

We are involved with the DCA

Within the framework of the "Arbeitskreis Baugrund" (task force buildung ground) of the DCA: Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. - Drilling Contractors Association and the GSTT we support the two associations in the development of a technical assistance, among others for the interpretation of soil reports and homogeneous areas.